When you are traveling or plan to be away from your home for an extended period of time, you should have someone looking after and checking in on your property. You could ask a friend or a neighbor, but can you really count on their reliability? Especially if they’re not getting paid to do so. The best option is to hire a professional residential estate management company while you’re away.

Homeowner Estate Management Maintenance Services

Forst Consulting Group’s dedicated team will perform a number of estate management maintenance services to ensure that your property is safe and sound while you are not in residence and that your property is kept up to homeowner association standards. Some of the maintenance services we offer include:

  • Walking your property inside and out to look for damage, signs of tampering, or maintenance issues. We’ll check all windows, doors and garage doors for security.
  • Checking security cameras and lighting to ensure they are working properly and replacing bulbs that may have burned out
  • Mowing the lawn and trimming bushes to maintaining the property
  • Shoveling snow
  • Clean up following storms
  • Maintaining outdoor fixtures like a pool or hot tub
  • Watering indoor plants

If we do find that an issue has arisen, like a burst pipe or fallen tree limb, for example, we will take action immediately. We will notify you of the problem and can act on your behalf to resolve the issue. We maintain a resource of trusted service companies who are on call as needed who can provide repairs.

See our related post: Forst Will Watch Your House While You’re Away

Homeowner Convenience Services

Forst Consulting Group also offers a number of convenience services for homeowners while they are away. They include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Picking up the mail and/or packages
  • Forwarding the mail or packages
  • Arranging for pet sitters
  • Arranging for and monitoring maintenance, repairs or service appointments
  • Scheduling lights on timing units to act as if someone is home
  • Cleaning the home
  • Preparing the home for the homeowners’ return
  • Winterizing or dewinterizing
  • Battery changes and smoke and CO2 detector checks
  • Car startup to prevent dead batteries
  • Spigot turn-on or turn-off

Related: Keep Your Home Safe on Vacation

Homeowner Special Requests

Feel free to ask us if you have a special request for estate property management while you’re away. If we can accommodate your needs, we will.

Forst Consulting Group’s Homeowner Services

Forst Consulting Group offers a number of homeowner services in addition to estate management. They include

  • Construction Contract Review: we can help you choose a contractor, negotiate a fair contract, and review contracts with you so that you fully understand what you’re signing.
  • Construction Project Management: Once you have engaged a contractor, rely on Forst Consulting Group to help you monitor that contract and the work. We’ll make sure no shortcuts are taken and that you are fully satisfied with your construction project.
  • Negotiations: If you have a dispute with your contractor, you can use Forst Consulting Group as a go-between to help iron out any misunderstandings before they get to be big issues. Since we are construction experts, we can identify problems in construction and provide detailed reports of our findings so that you have evidence on your side.

When you need estate property management while you’re away, or any of our other homeowner services, and are located in Northern Virginia, Maryland or Washington, DC, contact Forst Consulting Group.