Every two years, the International Code codesCouncil, or ICC, issues revised editions of its code books updated to include current and accurate code information, with the latest being published in 2018.

Codes determine the guidelines or acceptable parameters for operation.  For example, the location of smoke alarms or the installation of GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter) outlets are regulated under the International Building Code, and rules for fire suppression equipment and transportation for combustible materials are regulated under the International Fire Code.

ICC codes are set into place to protect you, the home and business owner, worker and traveler. They are the safety checks and mandates mainly used in construction that can help prevent fire or water damage, or electrical or plumbing hazards, or to save lives.

During construction and remodeling, jurisdictional code inspectors are required to check in on projects at particular milestones, such as before drywall is installed, to ensure that all current codes are being met, and that the job is up to regulatory standards.

If the inspector finds a violation of any code, construction may be halted until the violation is remedied. It is that serious. For new construction, whether residential or commercial, code checks are conducted at regular intervals throughout the building process. For existing properties, they may only be checked during specific remodeling or repair instances.

A third check is for safety. Violations in this category can be found during routine or specific inspections.

The ICC code enforcement groups are also broken up into classifications, including:

  • Assembly places where people gather
  • Business places where services are provided
  • Educational facilities up to the 12th grade
  • Factories
  • High-hazard areas where toxic or flammable materials are produced or housed
  • Institutions for those needing physical assistance
  • Merchants including stores and gas stations
  • Residential including homes, hotels and multi-family apartments
  • Storage facilities and parking garages
  • Utility and miscellaneous

Först Consulting Group Knows the ICC Building Codes

When the code changes are issued at the beginning of the year there are often substantial changes indicated, which can affect the building and remodeling trade and safety standards significantly. If your contractor isn’t up to date on them, your job can be stalled or even shut down until the violation is remediated. Or worse yet, your safety could be in jeopardy.

And just because your building passed codes when it was built, that doesn’t mean that your systems still meet today’s code requirements. Much has changed over the years with safety regulations, but not much may have changed in your home or commercial building.

It may be in your best interest to hire a professional inspector like Först Consulting Group to check your heating, electrical, fire safety or other systems, especially if they have some age on them.

We are Not Regular Home Inspectors

When you’re thinking about purchasing a home, you hire a home inspector. That is NOT what Först Consulting Group does. As we are often called upon to serve as an expert witness in construction error cases, we are stringent in our inspections. We are trained to look for pathologies in buildings and are highly knowledgeable and certified in the current ICC code standards.

The ICC governs the following codes:

  • International Building Code
  • International Energy Conservation Code
  • International Existing Building Code
  • International Fire Code
  • International Fuel Gas Code
  • International Green Construction Code
  • International Mechanical Code
  • International Performance Code
  • International Plumbing Code
  • International Private Sewage Disposal Code
  • International Property Maintenance Code
  • International Residential Code
  • International Swimming Pool and Spa Code
  • International Wildland – Urban Interface Code
  • International Zoning Code

To Be Safe, Contact Först Consulting Group

At Först Consulting Group, we make it our business to keep up with any and all code regulations. It’s your safety we have in mind. To schedule your home or business inspection, contact us today.